Product Photography for business
We pride ourselves on our flexibility when shooting our client’s products. Whether we shoot them in a studio with a pure white background or on location we will work out exactly what you need to raise your profile and increase sales.
Below you will see a small selection of final images.
Product Shoot on location
Client - Gut Instinct, Milk Alternative
Our client booked a very trendy coffee shot, bar for the day. The brief was simply to capture the Oat Milk Product in and out of its container and being used in as many places as possible.
Product Shot in a Studio & on Location
Client - Miller Medical, Medical Supplies
Our client had multiple uses for the photographs. In the 1st instance photographs were needed for improving product pages on Amazon. Amazon has very strict rules on what they will and will not accept. The safest option is to produce ‘pure white’ backgrounds. (We call them ‘digital white’). These images can sometimes be rather character-less but present the products in their exact form. (very few shadows).
Off-white website beauty shots
The second batch of images were for the website. These images are deliberately on an ‘off-white’ background allowing beautiful reflections and adding character.
Location close-ups with a model
The third batch of images was not shot on a photography table in a studio but was shot in a treatment room in a private medical practice. Our client booked a room for the day allowing us to shoot the products being applied to a model. The images below show the important characteristics of each of the products such as size: sticky-ness, absorption, how they fit, and so much more.
Product shoot at multiple Locations
Client - Narduzzo, Kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms
Too large for a studio shoot!!! - In this example, our client sent us to a number of homes where they had created some of the most incredible rooms. Kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, ensuites, cloakrooms, music rooms… when they look as good as they do we simply had to show the world their beauty.